Thursday, August 3, 2017

How to track EAM Assets in Oracle Installed Base

Track EAM asset in Installed Base

In order to track EAM assets in Oracle Installed base:

1. Enable the Inventory item(EAM Asset) to be Installed Base trackable by checking the flag under service tab in Item Master UI.
2. Enable the Transactable flag in the Inventory tab of Item Master UI.

The above two are key setups required to track an EAM asset in IB.
Verify this by following use case:

1.       With above two setups in place for the Inventory Item Create Asset in EAM module
2.       As the asset is created in EAM a new record for the item will be created in IB as a new item instance.

3.       Now Update the Asset in eAM  and a new transaction record will be inserted in IB